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Replacement Windows
Replacement windows can yield more control of natural light and fresh air. This will help you save money on your energy bills and give your home a whole new look. The energy saving is immediate on your energy bill and comfort with temperature control. Replacement windows utilize the original wood perimeter frame around your window, interior trims, and exterior trims with out needing to be replace if its in good condition, although they are not as effective as new construction windows.
New construction windows require 10x more to install, in cost for materials and labor man hours. For example a good quality replacement window cost for labor and materials may start at $700 to install. While that same window in new construction will cost $2700, (this is with all things being equal in cost for materials and job site logistic).The replacement window will reflect a break down of $350 materials and $350 labor, 3 to 4 man hours on average to set up, work, and clean up. The New Construction window will have a price breakdown of $950 materials and $1750 labor, 16 man hours on average to set up, install and clean up job site.

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